Our SENCO is Mrs Bradbury, who brings a wealth of experience to the role..
Mrs Bradbury’s Bachelor’s degree is in psychology, specialising in educational psychology - specifically different learning disorders and how children learn and develop, and the role of education in that development.
Following her graduation, Mrs Bradbury spent 7 years in the further education sector, as pastoral leader, teaching support and as a support assistant for teenagers with SEND needs. During her time, working in further education Mrs Bradbury received training in specific learning disorders such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Dyslexia and Visual Impairment.
Mrs Bradbury recently completed her Post-Graduate Certificate in Education: National Award for Special Educational Needs (SEN) Coordination.
Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
As parents and carers of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), you're the most important people in your child's life. By working together with us at Diggle School, we can work together to enhance your child's learning and development and ensure they have a positive experience of education.
What is a SENCO? How can a SENCO help my child?
A SENCO is a qualified teacher who’s responsible for leading the school’s provision for special educational needs and the support offered to students with SEN .The SENCO works closely with other staff within the school, parents and external professionals to develop, implement and monitor individual support and learning plans for students with special educational needs.
A SENCO can put a plan in place which outlines the support, resources and strategies that will help your child with their special educational needs. This plan is called an ‘Individual Education Plan’ (IEP) at Diggle School but it can have other names at other settings. Your child’s IEP is shared with the SENCO, and their class teacher.
If a SENCO feels that a school requires more resources to support your child, they may request a more in-depth assessment of your child’s needs and refer your child to other professionals such as Speech & Language, School Nurse, Occupational Therapy, Paediatric Service.
A SENCO can also apply for an Education, Health and Care needs plan (EHC plan).