Class 6

Mrs Hazlehurst

Welcome to Class 6

Welcome to the Class 6 page.

This term out topic will be Shackleton’s Journey. We use this book as a basis for our English and Theme work over the course of the term. We will create biographies, adventure stories, recounts, poems, formal and informal letters and also use it to form the basis of a debate. In Theme we use it to learn more about particular biomes by learning more about the continent, Antarctica, use 4 and 6 figure grid references, learn more about longitude and latitude, use the 8 points of a compass and learn more about drawing maps to scale and using OS symbols to read maps.

In Science we will be learning looking at Electricity, where we will be looking how to complete an electrical circuit; using buzzers and switches, understanding and identifying different forms of energy, identifying hazards in electrical equipment and also learning the different symbols used when drawing scientific circuits.

Please ensure that your children come into school on these days wearing correct PE kit- a plain white t-shirt and plain navy blue or black shorts or jogging bottoms/ leggings and a jacket. PE this half term will be on a Friday with Josh from CITC.