Meet the Governors

Our School Governors hold an important role in our school community. Through full governor meetings, sub committee meetings, and discussions throughout the year, the role of the Governor is to provide strategic support and challenge to help the school run effectively.  The Governors hold the school leadership to account, they oversee the financial performance of the school, the academic direction of the school and support the leadership in the continual drive for school improvement in all areas.  All Governors have access to specialist Governor training.

There are several different types of Governor.

Parent Governors are parents of children at the school.

They are nominated by other parents when a vacancy comes available and where more than one parent is nominated, the parent community are asked to vote.

Staff Governors are members of the school staff.

They are elected to represent the staff on the Governing Body by the other staff members.

Co-opted Governors (previously known as community governors) are members of the local community.

They are appointed by the Governing Body and might include local business people or members of local community groups.

Local Authority Governors are appointed by the local authority.

LA Governorships are members of the community who may be elected members with an interest in the school and skills required to meet the schools skills gap.  Applications are endorsed by the Cabinet Member and Shadow Cabinet Member for Education and Early Years and appointed will be made by the full governing body.

Foundation Governors are appointed by the Dovestone Learning Partnership.

Associate Members are extra people appointed by the governing body, who can bring additional skills or knowledge. These are often people who have previously been a Governor and have completed their term of office.


If you are interested in becoming a school governor, see the Oldham Council website.

Chair of Governors.

Mike Rea


Vice Chair of Governors.

David Hampson


Curriculum & Standard Committee – meet every term

This committee reviews the curriculum, the progress against the School Development Plan, talks to children about their learning and looks at their books with them.

  • Ian Johnson (Chair)

  • Marian Faulkner

  • Kate Mellor

  • Kirstie Bridgstock

  • Sarah Newton (Head Teacher)

Finance & Premises Committee – meet every term

This committee monitors all aspects of the school budget, monitors the building maintenance and improvement of the physical space, and reviews staffing.

  • David Hampson (Chair)

  • Mike Rea

  • Brian Cliffe

  • Katie Boon

  • Sarah Newton (Head Teacher)

  • The Finance and Premises committee is supported by the School Business Manager

The following Committees meet on an as needed basis:

Head Teacher Appraisal Committee; Disciplinary Committee; Appeals Committee


In addition, each class is allocated a Governor who stays with the class as they move through the school, this way the Governor can get to know the children and see their progress,  It also means they experience the teaching in all the year groups.  The Governor will spend time in the classroom each term.

  • Class R – Kirstie Bridgstock

  • Class 1 – Graham Smith

  • Class 2 – Katie Boon

  • Class 3 – Brian Cliffe

  • Class 4 – David Hampson

  • Class 5 – Gillian Shaw

  • Class 6 – Marian Faulkner


Some Governors also have additional areas they oversee:

  • David Hampson is the Governor lead for Health and Safety and SEND

  • Kirstie Bridgstock is the Governor lead for financial health and efficiency and Safeguarding

  • Kate Mellor is the Link Governor who provides a link between the governing body, committees and school staff.

View the latest Governors details on GOV.UK Get Information about Schools

  • Mike Rae

    Chair of Governors

  • David Hampson

    Vice Chair of Governors

  • Jane Spivey

    Staff Governor

  • Chris Ryan

    Foundation Governor

  • Marian Faulkner

    Co-Opted Governor

  • Gillian Shaw

    Parent Governor

  • Katie Boon

    Parent Governor

  • Brian Cliffe

    Co-Opted Governor

  • Graham Smith

    Nominated by LA and appointed by GB