Class 3
Mrs Spencer
Hello from Class 3
In September we will be starting the year with our exciting theme on Ancient Egyptians. During this theme, we will look at everyday life in Ancient Egypt: houses, food, jobs and farming. We will learn why the River Nile was so important to them and look at gods and godesses. We will discover all about mummification and the rituals associated to burials of the pharaohs, including the discovery of Tutankhamun…the boy king.
This exciting theme runs across a whole term as there is so much to learn and discover. We will be looking at patterns and how nature inspired these in art and exploring the coded writing of hieroglyphics….
We ended the last school year with our local history theme ‘Saddleworth Heritage’, learning about the changes in settlements, housing, transport and industry. We followed this up with a walk around Diggle where we were able to see examples of our learning first hand, including the Standedge Tunnel: famous for being the longest tunnel in the UK and reaching from Diggle to Marsden.
Videos to improve your times tables knowledge or pick up speed.
Chanting 3 times tables
Chanting 4 times tables
For more fun with the 3s try this chant with your turn to answer and a mixed up version
For more fun with the 4s try this song
For more fun with the 8s try this song
8 Times Tables Song | Skip Counting by 8 With Multiplication
Last half term Class 3 were learning about Europe. We took a different country each week, learning about France, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, Russia and the UK. We plotted geographical physical features such as rivers and mountains on maps along with the capital city from each country, producing a key to accompany these. We also researched human features for some of the countries; such as the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France and La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona, Spain.
As part of our theme, we studied artists from each country. We looked at some of their styles and used these to inspire our own art work. We also enjoyed looking at some of the cultures from the countries and making or tasting some of the foods associated with them.