Class 2
Miss Spivey
Mrs Rawson
Class 2 have two teachers, Miss Spivey and Mrs Rawson.
We also have Mrs Hamilton to assist with the children’s learning.
Welcome to Class 2
We explore exciting themes which enable us to cover all aspects of the curriculum. These are the themes we will be investigating this year.
Autumn 1 - Discovering Diggle
Autumn 2 - Winter Wonderland
Spring 1 and 2 - Famous People
Summer 1 - London’s Burning
Summer 2 - African Adventure
Our theme this half term is 'Discovering Diggle’. We will be learning about the countries, capitals and surrounding seas of The United Kingdom. We will also be learning about Diggle and the local area.
On P.E days, children should come to school dressed in their kits. We will update you which day that will be before September.
Reading books need to be in school every day and are changed weekly. Please listen to your child read daily to develop confidence and fluency.
Children will be set regular weekly homework every Wednesday.