Welcome to our school
A welcoming, friendly school, passionate about growing the whole child to reach their own true potential.
School will be closed today, Monday 6th January due to the adverse weather conditions. School will reopen tomorrow as normal.
School will be closed today, Monday 6th January due to the adverse weather conditions. School will reopen tomorrow as normal.
Diggle Star
Read about what we’ve been up to each week. Packed with news from each class, photos and the all important diary dates.
Term Dates
Check our dates (which can be different to the Local Authority dates) before booking holidays to make sure your child does not miss any school.
Please click here to download the admissions document and application form for the new Diggle School nursery. If you have any queries, or for more details, please call 01457 602970, or email enquiries@diggleschool.co.uk. Thank you.
Curriculum Information
The Curriculum overview provides information relevant to all years, then each class has their own page with class specific information.
View our latest OFSTED Report
The 6 R’s underpin everything we do here at Diggle School
The 6 Rs represent important life skills, attitudes and mindsets. By developing and nurturing these 6 areas, not only are the children part of a positive learning environment, helping them reach their full potential, but they will also learn to be good friends and ultimately good citizens; they will learn to make the right choices concerning their behaviour, to learn from their mistakes, and be able to respond positively to challenges throughout their lives.
Being Active
We have amazing outdoor space and make full use of it all year round.
We are proud to hold a Gold School Sports Mark Award. All our classes operate an Active Classroom, where tools such as GoNoodle and the Daily Mile are used to help children get the most out of their learning. We also welcome the sports coaches from City in the Community into school once a week to provide expert physical education teaching.
We have a dedicated Forest School which all children access throughout the year as part of their curriculum, and we have a growing menagaire of animals, including racing pigeons, chickens and a forest school dog.